This compilations covers six tracks from bands confirmed for the no one gets out alive tour taking place later this year. I did wonder if this was going to be more of a psychedelic compilation from the name (lyrics from the doors five to one), but sadly it wasnt to be.
The first band RSJ have featured a track deadbolt. It takes aggressive influence from LAMB OF GOD and PANTERA and then more experimental influence from DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN and MESHUGGAH. The song features the usual chugga-chugga riffs and breakdowns of this type of metal with a mellower section in the middle. It is heavy brutal hardcore metal. The second band on the compilation are a Yorkshire screamo band. This song does not have the more melodic sections of some of their other songs. This is going for a more full on assault. The bands coming to mind are BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE and KILLSWITCH ENGAGE. The third track The minute I live is the minute I die from Manchester band LAP. The opening riff reminded me of LINKIN PARK before moving into a post hardcore number with hardcore breakdowns and influence coming from DEFTONES. The song name, The minute I live is the minute I die gives you an idea of the sort of whiny music that is being dealt with. Anemic are another whiny band. Their choice of song for this comp is train to hell. Anemic seems like a suitable name for a band lacking any sort of excitement to their music. The song had the line my heart is beating repeated for most of the last minute of the song. When your song is only three minutes I can doing without repetition. It just shows a lack of song writing ability. The fifth band DJEVARA are probably one of the best on the compilation. They have some good bass lines and seem to be the most politically aware of the supposed hardcore bands on this compilation. They have at least listed some activist campaigns on their site. The last band CIRCLE OF ONE finishes off the album on a more straight forward rock approach. They remind me of the MANIC STREET PREACHERS around the time of everything must go. This a relief after some of the previous whiny singers trying to sing in an American style. It was nice to have the album end on a band like this.
If your into bands like KILLSWITCH or BULLIT FOR MY VALENTINE then youll probably love going to see this tour. It personally does little for me. I like my hardcore in the 80s fashion of MINOR THREAT, not this new whiny music. I wouldnt mind seeing the last two bands on the compilation CIRCLE OF ONE and DJEVARA, but the rest of the bands featured didnt really stand out from any of the other thousands of bands doing the same style. I dont think I could be bothered to wait through the other bands to watch those two.
note: 4/10
1) RSJ-Deadbolt
2) Asking Alexandra-Wings for the sake of flying
3) Lap-The minute I live is the minute I die
4) Anemic-Train to hell
5) Dejava-Moths to the flame
6) Circle of one-shooting gallery