Genre: Death Metal
Country: Philippines
Band Website:
Duration: 42:00
Killer Songs: Collective,” “This House of Termites,” “Point Blank Target On God”
Having paid their dues in one of South East Asias most tightly knit metal scenes, the five Filipinos who comprise Bloodshedd have unleashed a sophomore album for the ages this 2009 titled Spare No One. The follow up for their 2007 debut Eye of the Pessimist that introduced the bands bare knuckle brand of death metal to a rather limited audience, this newest still carries the previous efforts key ingredients while adding complexity and touches of jazz into the aural broth. Being a smart bunch, Bloodshedd polish their song craft (despite the repetitive titles) and intrepidly weave epic guitar duels around with an avalanche of numbing percussion. Spare No One begins with a minute long intro where an eerie humcall it the sound of pestilencereaches a crescendo from whence This Lifelong Enmity barges in. The first song here is a sprawling mess of noodly guitar riffs, airtight rhythm work, and the barest semblance of melody.
But its on the ensuing brutal fare where the band really get into the zone and blast away with controlled abandon. (And thats a rather pretentious phrase, controlled abandon?ed.) Were not just talking blastbeats here, as the Bong Ecat-Bike Buick guitar tandem are quite the creative pair whose efforts equally pay homage to old school thrash and a tutelage in classic jazz. Yet the very best Bloodshedd has to offer arrives when the quintet unravel these enormous songs that combine bits of jazz, Spanish guitar, and chest thumping heavy metal in a dizzying sonic whirlpool that invades your ears for a few precious minutes. Curious? Sink thyne teeth on This House of Termites. The magics all there.
While everything from the cover artepic huh?to the songwriting and experimentation have made a huge leap forward, Bloodshedd are still proud of their origins, hence those who caught their obscure first outing Eye of The Pessimist wont miss the bands patented charm on this new baby. Production wise, the whole shebang still sounds as if it rained brimstone inside the studio while the band were laying down the songs here. Theres just this delicious rawness lending each track, no matter how grandiose, a hefty dose of ferocity, be it in Jojo Books vocals (his brothers the drummer, and boy, the MOFO can play) or the infernal rhythm section Bloodshedd have got going. Judging by its strengths, Spare No One is a monster release from Asia.
note: 8.8/10
1.The Time Has Been Cast Down
2.This Lifelong Enmity
4.Time For You To Die
5.Leading The Dead
6.Beast 696
7.Time To Change All
8.Spare No One
9.The House Of Termites
10.And They Thought of Pastures
11.Destroy Heaven
12.Point Blank Target On God
Jojo Book-Vocals
Bong Ecat-Guitars
Bike Buick-Guitars
MC Santiago-Bass
Tuts Book-Drums