SCHWARZER ABT „Monolith” - okładka
Music: black metal
Country: Germany
Duration: 27:57 (5 songs)

I think German is absolotely the best language in black metal- actually, almost every band that writes lyrics in that language, can’t get less than 5/10 from me…The same with Schwarzer Abt!

An important thing on „Monolith” is a poor quality, but it’s not a defect this time…Thanks to that sound, „Sisyphos”, the most melodic and rhythmic track on the CD (also the best, when compare to others), sounds like old Absurd- only the vocals are improved and more typical for black metal. But even there, the most characteristic part of Schwarzer Abt’s music is able to hear- clean, ‘monk-like’ vocals… But it’s definitely not boring, ‘cause they don’t sound the same on every track- when on „Watzman” the associations with Mayhem’s „Chimera” are quite obvious, then on „Barbarossa” they add some…medieval (?), Blódtru atmosphere, which matches with slower tempo and also the duration (11 minutes- sounds creepy, but is definitely not- anyway, they didn’t even beat 30 minutes MasseMord record, so there’s no reason to worry…)

I guess also, that Schwarzer Abt, exactly like Adolf Hitler, like odd numbers- to 3 ‘regular’ tracks they added two acoustic and instrumental. When „Kyffhauser” is OK., „Ascheweg” is definitely too long- one minute shorter and it’ll be wonderful.

To sum up- even if Schwarzer Abt would write songs in English o rany other language, it will still get high rate- there’s something special and mysterious in their music, what thousands other bands couldn’t achieve…I think you don’t need any other recommendation…Goodnight.

note: 8,5/10




Coelestin- drums
Innozenz- guitar, bass

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