In May the fast-growing Danish hard rock band INTO CENTURY will be releasing their second album “Nobody's Slave” in Europe. The band is already well-known in MTVs universe with two singles in rotation, furthermore Nobodys Slave has been received with praises by the Danish critics.
INTO CENTURY are playing hard hitting west coast rock with metal riffs and distortion, and they are not afraid of attacking controversial issues with their songwriting. On Man Of God front singer Jon Century is addressing a sharp criticism to the Vatican, accusing bad apples in the Vatican of being behind the assassination of Pope John Paul the first, and crimes against humanity in the name of God. And on the title track “Nobody's Slave” the band are focusing on human trafficking.
The shadow sides of life have been an important inspiration for the twelve intensive tracks on “Nobody's Slave”. Some of the band members have really tried the roller coaster ride that life can throw at you, being a musician. From having lived a wild and dissolute life in Hollywood, to live on less than one dollar a day on the streets of New York.
Up till this point INTO CENTURY have played both large and small scale gigs around the world, from some of the most legendary clubs in L.A., to small venues in Copenhagen. The music channel MTV have opened their eyes to the Danish band, which has resulted in a private showcase at the channel's headquarters in L.A. In addition, the band has two music videos in rotation on their web-based worldwide channels.
The harsh but affecting video for Nobodys Slave, which is filmed in Malibu, can be seen on YouTube here.
Nobodys Slave is produced and mixed by Tore Nissen and Johan Wohlert (The Storm, ex-Mew) and will be released in Europe May 27th.
European release: May 27th 2013, GAS: May 31st 2013
Track List:
01. Nobodys Slave
02. Junkie
03. Open Up Your Gates
04. Sweet Surrender
05. Dare
06. Man Of God
07. Time To Shine
08. Hold On
09. Indistogether
10. OMG
11. Call On Me
12. Can Anybody Hear Me