Swiss Black Metal ENOID (Satanath Records) streaming new track ‘Ces Cicatrices Dans Mon Ame’

Attacking with an onslaught of crushing hyper-speed with straight-ahead black metal brutality sure to impress and amaze die-hard fans of the best of the classic Norwegian scene. Swiss one man black metal band, ENOID is streaming their third single ‘Ces Cicatrices Dans Mon Ame’, which is one of eight tracks from the upcoming album ‘Exilé Aux Confins Des Tourments’ set for co-release via Satanath Records (Russia) and Black Plague Records (USA) on May 5, 2016. The album is ENOID’s seventh release marking the 20th anniversary since establishing in 1996. All instruments and the mix of the album were done by Bornyhake (Borgne, Kawir, Manii, Triumfall, Pure…) along with cover art done by Maxime Taccardi.

Home: Parczew (Poland). Interests / Hobbies: music, musical journalism, oriental studies, anthropology, psychology, medicine, sociology. Favourite music genres: first of all the all genres of Metal, Hardcore and Progressive Rock as well as Gothic, Ambient, Classical Music, Ethnic Music, Sacred Music, Choral Music, Soundtracks, New Age Music, Folk Music i sometimes Jazz, Electro, Experimental or Alternative Music... He co-founded magazine & webzine Born To Die'zine as Gnom.
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