SATHANS releases new album
U.S. black / death metal masters SATHANAS will be releasing the follow up to 2009s Pagan Records release Nightrealm Apocalypse through Unearthly Evil Productions in the United States. Sathanas are…
BLESSING SINS „Between night and dawn”
Frenchmen are not worser than rest of the world and their own metalcore they have. And it does not matter if it is known everywhere power of metalcore music such as L'ESPRIT DU CLAN or just the beginning, but still promising alot guys from SONS OF SENOKA or DECADES OF DESPAIR.
BLESSING SINS „Between night and dawn”
Frenchmen are not worser than rest of the world and their own metalcore they have. And it does not matter if it is known everywhere power of metalcore music such as L'ESPRIT DU CLAN or just the beginning, but still promising alot guys from SONS OF SENOKA or DECADES OF DESPAIR.
MEANING BESIDE „The reaping”
Russian metalcore stopped being russian only at last. Hah! Sure, the lyrics are written in the language of our eastern neighbours but when it comes to speaking about music, MEANING BESIDE resembles American KILLSWITCH ENGAGE or ALL THAT REMAINS which is what differentiates them from their colleagues from native scene.
MEANING BESIDE „The reaping”
Russian metalcore stopped being russian only at last. Hah! Sure, the lyrics are written in the language of our eastern neighbours but when it comes to speaking about music, MEANING BESIDE resembles American KILLSWITCH ENGAGE or ALL THAT REMAINS which is what differentiates them from their colleagues from native scene.
CHAIN REACTION records a new album
Polish thrashcore metallers from CHAIN REACTION have posted a following statement on their site:
“Although our recently published “Vicious Circle” is still warm, we are glad to anounce that our next…
I do not listen too often to such a groups, equally rarely I show any interest to this kind of music or get excited with such thing. Well, mixture consisting of swedish melodic death metal and black metal influences just…
SLEEVE „A mindless youth”
Such a short EP, yet so compact. Strangely, I would never link our western neighbours with deathcore, maybe more with characteristic metalcore in which there is more melody than than in Swedish death metal bands but whatever.
JUGGERNAUT „Architects of Deceit”
French deathcore? Well, why not? Some time ago I did a review of DECADES OF DESPAIR material, which, as at least some of you know is at least decent, but still melodic like for ex. The Black Dahlia Murder.
JUGGERNAUT „Architects of Deceit”
French deathcore? Well, why not? Some time ago I did a review of DECADES OF DESPAIR material, which, as at least some of you know is at least decent, but still melodic like for ex. The Black Dahlia Murder.