ANCESTRAL OATH „Ancestral Oath”
Havent heard about Asatru before? Better check it out, even on Wikipedia, cause this nordic religion is main topic in music from Ancestral Oath- one of the best newcomer bands this year!
MENSCHEITSDAMMERUNG „Cleaver Of Skies And Tenets”
Ive recieved the Menschheitsdämmerung CD together with Ancestral Oath and Schwarzer Abt, so the competition was really huge. This time also german bands name- that means itll be good
I think German is absolotely the best language in black metal- actually, almost every band that writes lyrics in that language, cant get less than 5/10 from me
The same with Schwarzer Abt!
UBUREN – Interview with the band
I dont know, how many Poles have heard about Uburen Im sure, that less than my IQ equals (an believe me, Im not Einstein). But when this Norwegian band had arrived to Cracow after almost 30 hours of journey, I was sure, that it will be something special. Its enough to hear their music- cold and typical nordic black metal. So who the fuck said, that all in black metal is dead after De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas !?
ANTONELLO GILIBERTO „The Mansion Of Lost Souls”
Saturday morning (well, 12 a.m.) and finally I thought myself- maybe I should do something useful today? Vacuuming carpet? No. Watering plants? No.