HEAVENLY „Coming from the Sky”
Do any of you know Heavenly? Most of you will probably say no, and that sucks cause it's a really good band. If its not enough that the guys from the band play really well, they also sing very well, and the interesting part is that Piet Sielck (guitarist and vocalist of Iron Savior) and Kai Hansen (guitarist and vocalist of Gamma Ray) helped out in this album.
Grave Digger – a pile of German heavy metal. With every new album the band gives us a new dosage of tight and heavy metal.
FREEDOM CALL „Crystal Empire”
Once again, our west neighbors recorded a beautiful album. This time Freedom Call did it (Gamma Ray's Dan Zimmerman on the drums).
CHILDREN OF BODOM „Follow The Reaper”
Children of Bodom have recorded their best ablum in their career. The 10 tracks found on “Follow the Reaper” are an explosive mix of death & heavy metal.
Translated by: Motorbreath” rows=”20″ cols=”70″ class=”form”>Crematory once again proved that they are the best band on the gothic music scene. A few years back only Theather of Tragedy could stand up to them, but on ToT's newest album there's more electronic music than hard guitar riffs- simply you can't call ToT's music metal anymore.
Nowy album finskiego Stratovarius zaczyna sie takim czadowym utworem, ze szczeka z lomotem opada na ziemie, nic dziwnego, ze „Hunting High And Low” poszedl na pierwszego singla z „Infinite”. Dalej jest równie wspaniale, poniewaz „Milenium” trzyma wysoki poziom, szczególnie gra Jorga Michaela (perkusja) zachwyca.
STEEL PROPHET „Dark Hallucinations”
Steel Prophet jest w Polsce malo znana kapela. Gdy pierwszy raz uslyszalem ich utwór na skladance pomyslalem, ze warto zapoznac sie z ich twórczoscia.
Po przeczytaniu takiej oto reklamy w katalogu Mystic Prod. “Wezcie wszystkie najlepsze elementy Rhapsody, HammerFall i Edguy, dodajcie do tego specyfike finskiej sceny a otrzymacie niewiarygodny twór zatytulowany “Ecliptica” pomyslalem – kolejny nowy zespól z zerowymi umiejetnosciami, w którego promocje ktos wlozyl kupe kasy.