Category: Releases

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Return of EMPHERIS with “The Return Of Derelict Gods”

One of the most distinguished hordes of the Polish Underground returns with a new album! After more than a decade, EMPHERIS will devastate the Maniacs with sounds of “The Return Of Derelict Gods”. 41 minutes of furious and aggressive Blackened Thrash Metal spitting with its uncompromising and old-fashioned approach to the face of the new […]

“Arcane Remorseless” from BLACK ROCK finally on CD

“Arcane Remorseless”, third album from ancient black/speed metal BLACK ROCK will be released on CD on March 30th, 2019. The album was pressed in the limit of 500 copies by two Polish labels, Defense Records and Mythrone Promotion. The limited cassette version of the album was released in August 2018 by Polish Unpure Records (

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