Category: Reviews

Read in-depth reviews of albums, concerts, and gear, offering expert insights and honest opinions on both new and classic releases.

LUNA AD NOCTUM „“Sempiternal Consecration””

Poland’s LUNA AD NOCTUM recently released their third album “The Perfect Evil in Mortal.” After listening to this latest offering then revisiting their previous effort “Sempiternal Consecration,” released in 2004, one can see an “evilution” in the band’s sound. “Sempiternal Consecration” displays many of the same elements of “The Perfect Evil in Mortal,” in particular the symphonic keyboards.

DIRTY RIG „Rock Did It”

Dirty Rig starts their debut CD on Escapi Records with 'Suck It', a track obviously about… well, not surprising, “Suck It”, “Drunk Again” and “Hot Porno Star” are not for the faint of heart, they are sleazy and dirty gems of rock that could easily shock those who may be offended by the somewhat juvenile lyrics each song contains.

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