CATHEDRAL „The Garden of Unearthly”
First of all, this album has something very special for me: This is a very rare case in which a classic band (like Cathedral) has a new superb album considering their long career. This album is for me, and is really difficult to state, the best album I ever heard of Cathedral, it freaking rules! I have been a Cathedral follower since their Ethereal Mirror / Carnival Bizarre era and appreciate their older works and newer (Endtyme), but this album is a hit! This album is like merging their more groovy classic songs like Ride, Midnight Mountain, Soul Sacrifice, Hopkins, Utopian Blaster and their (obviously) 60s/70s rock and folk influences into a blender and the result was this Garden This without a doubt is the most groovy and faster album of all their releases.
Zelowski REDRUM to zespół z pięcioletnim stażem. Ich proponowane demo to 12 polsko-angielskich kompozycji oscylujących w rejonach trzech gatunków muzycznych, a mianowicie najwięcej słyszalne są Hard Core’owe i Nu Metalowe patenty wzbogacane przez Rockowe zagrywki, czasami z akcentami lekkiej psychodelii (np.
MORD „Christendom Perished”
Mord means “murder” in Norwegian. This two piece will murder your ear drums with their vicious, unreleting Black Metal assault.
X-PIRAL „Poison Eyes”
Most Americans could probably count on one hand the number of Greek metal bands they know. Burning Star Records hope to change this problem.
SCREAMING EYES „Screaming Eyes”
This is a four song demo by the Italian Death/Thrash band Screaming Eyes. “Hold Fast” mixes screaming,growling Death with thrashy rhythms and guitar leads.
KINETIC „Soul / Emotion / Flesh”
Kinetic is a Thrash band out of Greece and “Soul/Emotion/Flesh” is a three song demo that they released previous to “The Chains That Bind Us” full length in 2004. All three tracks from the demo appear on the full length.
ABORYM „Generator”
Swoją przygodę z ABORYM rozpocząłem bardzo późno tj. od trzeciego albumu zespołu zatytułowanego „With No Human Intervention”.
WIZARDS HYMN is not strange for me because I know them earlier materials, and concretely the 3 demos from 2004 year. Them first full-length album entitled “Hymnal” mainly includes some tunes from demos, plus a bit novelty so I can boldly to say that the Japanese wizards follow appointed earlier route, that is sharply but very tunefully and nostalgically.