PROFANATION „Dead Body Fuck”
Profanation are back four years later with “Dead Body Fuck”, their second independant release, which offers nothing more than their first one did. Still sick, blast beating, gurgling Deathgrind with groovy bits and sick movie clips of gurgling death.
PROFANATION „Dead Man Rotting”
Profanation is a German band that began in the late 90's and “Dead Man Rotting” is their first independant release. It's pretty much just sick, brutal, Grind.
LIAR SYMPHONY „Choose your side”
The fourth album of the band LIAR SYMPHONY from Brazil plays melodic power metal.
FREAKHOUSE „Beautiful Misery”
It has been a time since FREAKHOUSE from California/USA have released their debut work Beautiful misery. In the year 2003, Nu Metal was much more up to date then nowadays..
DENDURA „New Life”
A great mixition of Ancient Egyptian history with horror themed ideas and thoughts. Thats what all Dendura is about.
PYORRHOEA „The Eleventh: Thou Shalt Be My Slave”
Debiutancki album PYORRHOEA zatytułowany “Desire For Torment” wywarł na mnie bardzo pozytywne wrażenie, dlatego chyba nikogo nie powinno dziwić, że z wielkimi nadziejami oczekiwałem na drugie uderzenie grupy. Z uwagi na fakt, że debiut prezentował sobą tak wysoki poziom to przed odsłuchaniem nowej płyty Warszawiaków zastanawiałem się czy PYORRHOEA zdoła jeszcze bardziej podnieść poprzeczkę i nagra jeszcze bardziej kopiący w twarz album.
Cool Songs: Meatbash, The Final Extinction, Amputated Whore, Mutilated Virgin Slut, Condition Dead
“Try” is a three song demo from Russia's, Grenouer, who have been bringing brutal Death to the Russian front for over a decade. This, their fifth release, brings a more Tech approach, and although it's groovy, it holds it's brutality.