SADOMASOCHISM „Worship the Dark”
Thanks to the over saturation of murky-produced SUFFOCATION wannabes who overpopulated the metal festivals of the 90s, it can be hard to get excited when hearing about an unknown American Death Metal band. Grand Rapids, Michigans SADOMASOCHISM is one band that will kill this pre-conceived notion.
AFTERLIFE „Dignity Or Death”
„Dignity Or Death” to już z kolei trzecie wydawnictwo jednoosobowego projektu, którego wszelkie aranżacje zostały stworzone i „zmaterializowane” przez człowieka o tajemniczo brzmiącej ksywie – 0015/92. Oczywiście zainteresowanych przeszłością AFTERLIFE odsyłam na strony internetowe METAL CENTRE ( lub BORN TO DIE (, gdzie znajdują się recenzje poprzednich materiałów i wywiad z 0015/92…
This band made it hard for me to find the right genre to classify them. Sacriversum is mix of Death metal (deep growling and brutal singing along with deep riffs), Gothic ( for the idea only of a female vocal with them and the gothic keyboard), and Progressive (the existence of this genre's touch).
NIDVERK „Nattens Hälsning-Demo”
Swedens NIDVERK keep their music interesting on their Nattens Halsning demo. The groups music stays interesting through change ups, change ups in style and tempo.
VINTERRIKET and NORTHAUNT employ dark, ambience to pay homage to the snow-capped mountains and misty forests of their northern European environments. VINTERRIKET, a solo act also known for harsh, minimalist Black Metal, concentrates its efforts solely on noise scapes.
SHROUD OF BEREAVEMENT/WITHERSOUL split is the first split album released by Oak Knoll. Both bands play similar styles of melodic Death and Doom Metal, with SHROUD OF BEREAVEMENT (SOB) favoring slower tempos and a heavier emphasis on classical instrumentation.
Of Ages is a collection of demo material dating from 1997 to 2000. This material was written and primarily composed by SHROUD OF BEREAVEMENT main man and dark genius, Dan Robinson.
AUTUMN „Black Wings”
A beginning which is not most likely, but I have to start with it. Too bad this band is split up.