AES DANA „Formors”
It's really cool listening to celtic or even a folklore music every now and then. Aes Dana is 6 pieces of French Black Celtic members.
CRYPTICUS „Dedicated to the Impure”
Reviews of so called gore grind bands would become redundant if each one stated the bands inspiration sprang from horror films, especially Romero and Fulci flicks. However, horror films and tales of terror are an important component in the discussion of a splatter bands efficacy upon the listener.
VOCIFERIAN „Universal Hate Decades Ultimatum”
Cool Songs: May the Holocaust Appease Thy God, Esse Dyaboli et Infecta et Inficiencia Animas, Nuclearfrost Strike Part II
COMMUNIC „Waves of Visual Decay”
Cool Songs: Frozen Asleep in the Park, Under A Luminous Sky, Fooled By The Serpent, Waves of Visual Decay.
THE LEGION „Revocation”
IT all depends where youre coming from I guess, but for me the absolute best thing about The legions second album is the gloriously conceived artwork from Kris Verwimp. Its rather sad hey? Here is a rather new Swedish Black Metal band put together by none other than Marduks drummer Emil Drautinovic and the most interesting thing I can find about it is the cover art; that and their tremendous spiky logo.
THREAT SIGNAL „Under Reprisal”
Huh? Whats that I hear in the distance? A familiar sound; comes around on its yearly orbit professing to destroy all in its path yep thats it straight out of Donzdorf Germany, a massive hulking beast they call the Hype Machine. All props to the guys at Nuclear Blast, they do enormous work in the name of metal and I love them dearly.
May 09, 2006, Crocodile Rock Cafe, Allentown, PA, USA
VIRON started out calling themselves SEDUCTION and they were even considered the best unsigned band from Germany, releasing two Demo CDs, “Ode To War” and “Winds Of Valhalla”. Shortly after their second release the band members went their own ways to other projects and then in late 2003 they ran into each other again and the band was reborn this time under the moniker of VIRON and this time, as a true metal band, playing their own style of metal influenced by the likes of SAXON , METALLICA and IRON MAIDEN.