GLORYINDECAY „Midgets Gone Mad”
GloryInDecay is the brainchild of John Corpse from Boston, which started as a one man project, but is joined by Keith Christhunter from New York to create pure Death Metal with no comprimise. It seems to me that they've compromised good sounding Death music for pure blast beating growling, doomish crap.
ANTIGAMA „Zeroland”
“Zeroland” is the third full length from Warsaw”s Antigama on Selfmadegod Records. It's called 'avantegrind' but it's really just the same old blast beating, grinding noisy crap, no different than any of the other bands on Selfmadegod.
The once fresh concept of a metal band with a female singer is gradually becoming stale. With the success of bands like LACUNA COIL, EVANESCENCE, and most recentlyARCH ENEMY, labels are in a foot race to sign what may be the next EVANESCENCE. Some bands of this sub-genre are quite remarkable like NIGHTWISH and LEAVES EYE.
MACK „Self-Titled”
MACK is a musical project led by former ROLLINS BAND drummer, Jason Mackenroth. Its not a coincidence that Mackenroth would dub this band the abbreviated form of his own name because this CD affords him a chance to showcase his musical talents.
It is a pity to hear that here in the middle of our group of brothers and sisters of heavy metal, the bands have to explain themselves that they are a band and no further project of well-known bandmembers.
GRAVE „Fiendish Regression”
After releasing two mediocre albums, Century Media veterans, GRAVE explode back into the death metal scene to prove they can still hang with the big boys. GRAVE took a hardcore stance on “Hating Life,” which shouldnt even be considered part of the GRAVE catalogue.
UNLEASHED „Sworn Allegiance”
Cool Songs: Only the Dead, The Longships are Coming, Destruction of the Race of Men
THY DISEASE „Rat Age (Sworn Kinds Final Verses)”
Przyznam szczerze, że jak dotąd nie byłem zbytnim fanem zespołu Thy Disease i dla tego nie oczekiwałem z drżeniem rąk na najnowsze dzieło kapeli z Krakowa. Pierwsze trzy płyty zespołu, pomimo, że niezłe nie powodowały u mnie stanu podwyższonego ciśnienia, co może wynikać z faktu, iż mam już na karku 30 wiosen i jako fan tradycyjnego Death Metalu, takiego „prosto w twarz” z dystansem podchodzę do wszelkich „nowoczesnych” elementów w tym gatunku muzycznym.