GAIA EPICUS „Symphony of glory”
Norway normally stands for black metal of the worst kind. But now and then, more melodic metal bands from such coutries, where the melodic metal is active, but noone doesn´t pay attention to it, find a way to present their music.
TWILIGHT „Born undivine”
TWILIGHT is a Spanish metal formation that tries to connect their bombastic, but never too full, epic power metal with folk music.
DARK SANCTUARY „Les Mémoires Blessées”
The feeling is The depressive silence .may be The Darkness pain, I dont know may be Wounded Memories/ Les Mémoires Blessées and this is the name of this album. Its French I know.
ELVENKING „The Winter Wake”
“Alive”, “Matchless”, “Gifted”, and “Prevailing”….these are one of the most compatible words could ever suit the spirit and the music of this band. I don't know why I found out about this band only now?…This is their 3rd Album, and yet I didn't know about them?…..shame!!
STORMBRINGER „Don't Think…Obey!”
Stormbringer formed 1998 with a metal style mixed with some hard rock, doom and thrash influences. In 1999 they produced a self title demo at the Pop Recording Studio in Somma Lombardo and went on the road in Italy with the 80's influenced metal songs.
HESPERUS DIMENSION „Mental Electricity”
I think that HESPERUS DIMENSION will make commotion in metal world with suitable promotion of the band! In principle this project is creating by two guys: Nahald and Marthrum, which ones invited guests for help by recordings the material, and they was: Bard G. Eithun (ex – EMPERROR, SCUM, ABORYM, BLOOD TSUNAMI), Raaf (MESS AGE, PAINFUL JOY), Sasza Janowicz (Australian actor), Lorak and Zvierzak (ex – GHOST, NOIZZER) which he played parties of bass
HESPERUS DIMENSION „Mental Electricity”
Myślę, że przy odpowiedniej promocji HESPERUS DIMENSION nieźle namiesza na metalowym rynku! W zasadzie ten projekt to dwóch kolesi Nahald i Marthrum, którzy skorzystali z pomocy zaproszonych gości, a do nich należeli: Bard G. Eithun (ex-EMPERROR, SCUM, ABORYM, BLOOD TSUNAMI), Raaf (MESS AGE, PAINFUL JOY), Sasza Janowicz (Australijski aktor), Lorak i Zvierzak (ex-GHOST, NOIZZER), który zajął się tutaj partiami basu…
If you eat brutality for breakfast, then you'll like the latest from HEATENIC NOIZ ARCHITECT called “The Music Is Outside”. Formed in Poland in 1999, the band has spent it's early years known as RAVISHED FLESH, until changing in 2004 to HNA.