INNER SURGE „Signals Screaming”
The first band so far made me eager to see them live. I really wish I would be able to see them perform.
MOONSPELL „The Antidote”
Moonspell succeeded to bring lights to their own home country “Portugal”. They are considered one of my most personal favorite band.
EXCALION „Primal Exhale”
'Excalion' is a new power metal band from Finland in the same vein as Stratovarius and Sonata Arctica.
THE OCEAN „Aeolian”
The history of 'The Ocean' began in 2000 when guitarist Robin Staps relocated to Berlin intending to build a band that he had envisioned, the result, 'The Ocean'. For two years he searched for musicians advertising in his local newspapers and trade magazines.
EDGUY „Rocket Ride”
Cool Songs: Catch of the Century, Wasted Time, Rocket Ride, Fucking With Fire, Scarifice
Ive always had a lot of time for Seven Witches. Although their earlier material didnt quite hit the mark, there was always a hint of something brewing beneath the surface with main man songwriter/guitarist Jack Frost being the absolute star of the act It wasnt until 2003s crunching Passage to the Other Side that we finally saw what this band was capable of.
ONE MAN ARMY AND THE UNDEAD QUARTET „21st Century Killing Machine”
Of all the positives that could/have been written about Swedens The Crown (RIP), vocalist Johan Lindstrand was always the major draw card as far as I was concerned. I was mightily disappointed when he was replaced by Tompa Lindberg for the Crowned in Terror album.
MAD MAX „Night of white rock”
Here we have it finally: Germany´s first and only Christian rock band! The guys are not new in the music business, no, they have already released 5 albums. MAD MAX now release with Night of white rock 11 brandnew tracks that were recorded in the JOVEL studios in Muenster/Germany.