MAJESTY „Sons of a new millenium”
Before the German true metal formation MAJESTY release their new output in February, the five guys from Tauberbischofsheim present a yummy relishable EP called Sons of a new millenium that includes five tracks.
MAJESTY „Hellforces”
MAJESTY one of the most controversial heavy metal bands of Germany either you love or you hate them release in February with Hellforces their fourth studio album, after they have thrown their EP (Sons of a new millennium) out to the world.
BLOODRIDE „Bloodridden Disease”
The Finns from BLOODRIDE create thrash metal which is heavy-duty of death metal traces. They are inspire by accomplishments of such famous bands like e.g.
VICIOUS „Vile, Vicious & Victorious”
In moment when I'm listening this album that in the band aren't the vocalist – Henrik and the bass player – Alexander. What will be with Swedish VICIOUS? I do not know, but in spite of all we will see what they have to offer us with the album, because the men already get for creating new pieces supposedly
I confess that I listened bands which are inspired by classics thrash metal or old school hard core long time ago. I think that the American POTENTIAL THREAT SF is just such the band.
SEWN SHUT „Sewn Shut”
The quartet from the USA strongly emphasizes in his music the influences of such bands like e.g. MACHINE HEAD, SEPULTURA, CRO-MAGS or PRO-PAIN.
SEWN SHUT „Sewn Shut”
Kwartet ze Stanów swoją muzykę silnie akcentuje wpływami takich kapel jak MACHINE HEAD, SEPULTURA, CRO-MAGS czy PRO-PAIN.
Przyznam szczerze, że dawno już nie słuchałem kapel czerpiących inspiracje z klasyki thrash metalu czy old schoolowego hard core’a. Myślę, że Amerykański POTENTIAL THREAT SF jest właśnie taką kapelą.