DEADSEA – Interview with Guitarist/Vocalist Adam Smith, Drummer Jeremy Spears, Bassist Alex Conley
After thirty-five years of heavy metal, there is little a band can do that hasnt already been done. Soon after a groundbreaking band appears, a million bands from every corner of the world will play that sound to death, and then tap into it some more, like a loony necrophile returning to the grave of a favorite victim for desert. One mode of remedy is combining many sounds and styles, leading to a progressive tag. That is precisely what Midwest metallers, DEADSEA have created with their latest, self-titled effortreleased in 2007 via Chrome Leaf Records (owned by bassist Alex Conley). The mere combination of styles is not enough, though, to make a great album. An excellent progressive band should emphasize other aspects such as flow, catchy riffs, proper use of dynamics, lyrical depth, and melody. DEADSEA excels in all these areas. How does a band like DEADSEA gather all these elements and smoothly incorporate them into their music? In an email interview with all three members of DEADSEA, Metal Centre set out to answer that question and find out more about the band.
Utwór “The Chains of Power” z nadchodzącego wydawnictwa KATAKLYSM na myspace
Na profilu myspace kanadyjskich Death Metalowców z KATAKLYSM zamieszczony został utwór “The Chains of Power” pochodzący z najnowszego albumu “Prevail”. 10-ta studyjna płyta ukaże się 23 maja za sprawą Nuclear…
Nowy album UNLEASHED w czerwcu
Najnowszy album weteranów z UNLEASHED zatytułowany “Hammer Battalion” ukaże się za pośrednictwem SPV Records. Premiera planowana jest na 6 czerwca (Niemcy), 9 czerwca (pozostała część Europy), 10 czerwca (USA i…
Koncert TESTOR i LOSTBONE w Otwocku
05.04.2008 odbędzie się koncert weteranów z TESTOR w towarzystwie LOSTBONE.
Otwock; klub Smok; ul. Warszawska 11/13;
godz. 18.30
Bilet 12zł. …
NEFASTUS DIES Confirms June 10 Release Date for “Urban Cancer”
Candlelight Records in cooperation with Siege of Amida Records confirms June 10 as the US release date for Urban Cancer, the debut album from Canadas Nefastus Dies. Featuring former Ion…
HEADHUNTER Issues Release Date for “Parasite of Society”
Candlelight Records in cooperation with AFM Records confirms June 10 as the US release date for Parasite of Society, the new album from reformed German trio Headhunter. Featuring the famed…
SPIRITUAL BEGGARS – Spiritual Beggars (Regain Records) …
GRAVE – Dominion VIII (Regain Records)
MACHINERY – The Passing (Regain Records)
ENDSTILLE – Navigator (Regain Records)
ENDSTILLE – Dominanz (Regain Records)
ENDSTILLE – Fruhlingserwachen (Regain Records)
ENDSTILLE – Operation Wintersturm (Regain Records)