Dnia 20 sierpnia 2004 roku SOULLESS zakończyło sesje nagraniową, w ciągu najbliższego tygodnia ukończone zostaną mixy. Materiał zawiera 4 utwory, przeznaczony jest do dyspozycji zinów i wywónrni. “PERI PSYCHES” zostało…
CLIMATE – Wywiad z Sebastianem Bardzalem, w No Mercy Pub w Chelmie.
GOTHIC KNIGHTS – Up From The Ashes… Interview with Kuzin Dan
With 14 years in the business and 2 albums under their belt, US Power Metallers GOTHIC KNIGHTS released their 3rd album “Up From The Ashes” last year through Limb Music Products here in Germany. Time to find out what's going on in the world of Gothic Knights now! Rhythm guitarist Dan Castro ( brought us up to date:
FLESHCRAWL – Interview with Bastian
I would like to start with a “Thank You” for taking the time to answering my questions. I'm sure after a release you and your fellow band members are overwhelmed with interviews. I would also say that “Made of Flesh” is simply awesome! O.K. on with the Questions.
TRANSISTOR – Rozmowa z Rafałem Tarachą
O zmianach w upodobaniach,
o polskim undergroundzie, o pracy w Metal Mindzie,
o skrytych marzeniach, szansach i złudzeniach,
o A-durach i b-mollach
szczerze i na temat
jak wszystko się zmienia
…bez ciśnienia
HIERONYMUS BOSCH signed contract with CD-Maximum
CD-Maximum, one of the leading Russian labels, signed contract with HIERONYMUS BOSCH for re-issue 1995 album “The Human Abstract”! Edition will be featured with re-mastered original 9 songs, 2 bonus…
MAD DRAGZTER news from April '04
Eric Claros is the new drummer of the band. Evandro Jr. quit the band due to music differences. Eric is working hard with the band for the “Strong Mind Tour”….
BLINDEAD – Interview with Havoc (ex- Behemoth).
Recently I was given the opportunity to conduct an interview with Havoc (ex- Behemoth) about his latest project 'Blindead'. More information and mp3s of Blindead's Current demo can be found at the bands website
NEVERMORE frontman Warrel Dane
has posted the following message on the band's official message board:
“We're doing a video for 'I, Voyager' within the next month, we just signed a new record deal, [and]…
Reunited North Carolina-based progressive metallers CONFESSOR
will be performing at The Lincoln Theatre in Raleigh on March 13. The band will highlight new material during the show, which will include support sets from UNSOUND and AGE…