RÓŻNI WYKONAWCY „Metal Jeers Vol.1”
Czadowe kawałki: Abhorrent Elite, The Labyrinth of Despair, Requiem for an Evil, Now You’re Mine
INTERNECINE EXCORIATION „Prognosticate The Decrepitude”
Australia is more often associated with kangaroos and Kylie Minogue, than metal music, ant this state is quite obvious, as the metal market and scene are dominated mainly by the European and American musicians. The musicians from the isle-continent from some time have been entering the great world of brutal music.
INTERNECINE EXCORIATION „Prognosticate The Decrepitude”
Australia is more often associated with kangaroos and Kylie Minogue, than metal music, ant this state is quite obvious, as the metal market and scene are dominated mainly by the European and American musicians. The musicians from the isle-continent from some time have been entering the great world of brutal music.
As the band was put together in 1993, it was put on hold in the November of 2007. The musicians decided to take a break, as they wanted to find some new sources of inspiration.
Zespół powstał na początku 2002 roku, głównie dzięki staraniom Sebastiana, Yoncy oraz Pabla (ostatnia dwójka opuściła zespół krótko po wydaniu singla ‘Hava Nagila’, na początku roku 2004). Od tamtego czasu zespół nagrał cztery albumy, w tym dwa krążki długogrające oraz kojarzony jest z komputerową grą fabularną WIEDŹMIN, do której panowie napisali piosenkę ‘Born Again’, umieszczoną na oficjalnej ścieżce dźwiękowej gry.
ROOTWATER came to being at the beginning of 2002, mainly thanks to Sebastian, Yonca and Pablo (the latter ones are no longer in the group, as they left as the beginning of 2004, after the release of the first single Hava Nagila). Since that time, the band recorded four albums, including two full-length releases.
KRATORNAS „Subterranean Sodomies (Demo)”
KRATORNAS history is a complex one and the metal historians would have problems in finding the reasons of such turns in it. Everything started in 1995, when Bruno recorded the first demo tape titled Realm of Goatlust, containing two extremely fast black metal tracks, inspired mainly by TIAMAT and MOONSPELL.
The band started their work in late 2004, when ex INFERNAL ANGEL drummer, Deimos, and Vlad decided to do something of their own. They did not have to wait long to gather a full squad, so after a short preparation, the band started writing material for their debut album, which has been brought to daylight in 2006.