Reedycje płyt ENDSTILLE
28 kwietnia nakładem Regain Records mają się ukazać reedycje wszystkich czterech płyt Niemców wydanych przed “Endstilles Reich”:
“Operation Wintersturm” (2002)
“Frühlingserwachen” (2003)
“Dominanz” (2004)
“Navigator” (2005)
Wszystkie będą dostępne w formie digi-packu. …
DEICIDE Preferred Audio Weapon of U.S. Military
Gathered from evidence obtained through various reports, leaked interrogation logs and the accounts of soldiers and detainees, a list of the top 24 songs strategically used on military prisoners in…
“After short, month break we already can present you tentative plans for 2008. In the beginnig of April Crionics will play about 10 concerts in Russia as headliner. It will…
IHSAHN Album to Feature OPETH Vocalist
OPETH frontman Mikael Ĺkerfeldt has recorded a guest appearance on the track “Unhealer” from the forthcoming solo album from former EMPEROR vocalist/guitarist Ihsahn, entitled “angL”.
Ihsahn commented: “We've been talking about…
EXODUS and SOILWORK to Appear on FUSE's “Talking Metal”
This Friday, February 29th at 12 Midnight EASTERN / 9 p.m. PACIFIC, join Talking Metal hosts Mark Strigl and John Ostronomy as they host a jam session with Bay Area…
DEMOGORGON bez perkusisty
Jeden z najbardziej zapracowanych oraz najaktywniejszych koncertowo w tym roku polskich zespołów Death Metalowych, rozstał się z dotychczasowym pałkerem, w związku z tym pilnie poszukuje nowego garowego!!!!! Po zniszczeniu Europy…
AGALLOCH released The Grey EP in 2004 via Vendlus Records. Four years later, the group has released the companion album to their 2004 effort, The White EP.
DIMMU BORGIR Live Concert Available For Streaming
Norwegian symphonic black metal group DIMMU BORGIR will be streaming their concert LIVEon Saturday, April 5, 2008 at:
5:00pm (Pacific)
6:00pm (Mountain)
7:00pm (Central)
8:00pm (Eastern)
(For those of you living in Europe, this will…