D.I. Holding Benefit Concert For Guitarist CHKN
California punk-rock legends D.I will be hosting a cancer benefit February 21st, 2008 at the Galaxy Theatre in Santa Ana, CA. The money raised from the show will go towards…
FINAL REDEMPTION „Final Redemption EP”
The band was formed in 2004 and the best way to describe their works is to say, that this music in some way resembles the oeuvre of DYING FETUS, SKINLESS and KATAKLYSM. As a matter of fact, quite an impressive background.
FINAL REDEMPTION „Final Redemption EP”
The band was formed in 2004 and the best way to describe their works is to say, that this music in some way resembles the oeuvre of DYING FETUS, SKINLESS and KATAKLYSM. As a matter of fact, quite an impressive background.
Strona internetowa: http://effectmurder.metal.pl / http://www.bloodpaint.prv.pl
Both bands are still quite hidden and not so visible on the Polish metal scene. EFFECT MURDER, being the younger, has recorded two times more albums than three-years older BLOODPAINT, including one long play, which cannot be found in the artistic oeuvre of the latter one.
DELUGE „Diluvial Sorcery”
The history of the Australian DELUGE is a short poem. Formed in 2004, some changes in line up, two full-length releases and finally splitting up.
APOCALYPTIC VISIONS was formed in 2001 in Atlanta and since then came across many squad changes. The band play something in between brutal death and black metal, with a very original lyrical theme, i.e.
ANIMUS HERILIS „Recipere Ferum”
The band was formed in 1993, but the official material was released after a while, i.e. in 2001.