AXEMASTER would like to announce a change in the band's lineup; Geoff McGraw has replaced Tony Webster as their lead vocalist. Due to personal issues Tony was unable to do…
AXEMASTER „Blessing in the Skies”
This is a review of AXEMASTERS album blessing in the sky originally released in 1987. The album re-release has come after the band reformed in 2006.
AXEMASTER „Blessing in the Skies”
This is a review of AXEMASTERS album blessing in the sky originally released in 1987. The album re-release has come after the band reformed in 2006.
AXEMASTER Reforms, New Release Coming Soon
Axemaster has recently reformed and released their new CD “Blessing In The Skies”, an old-school Thrash album. It is on the market as of Easter. This release also featured the…