BALFOR: Barbaric Blood Cover Art + Track Listing Revealed
Ukrainian black metallers BALFOR are proud to unveil the cover art and track listing of their upcoming Pulverised debut Barbaric Blood. Designed by Martin Saavedra at Uruguay's Spina Studio (Aborted,…
Ukraine black metallers BALFOR guitarist splits
Ukrainian black metallers BALFOR, who recently signed to Pulverised Records, issued a statement announcing guitarist Agnarrs unexpected departure. Agnarr was forced to quit the band following a recent injury thats…
Ukraiński BALFOR w szeregach Pulverised Records
Ukraińska black metalowa horda BALFOR podpisała kontrakt z Pulverised Records. Nakładem tej wytwórni zostanie wydany niedawno ukończony debiutancki album tej formacji – “Barbaric Blood”, najprawdopodobniej dopiero w 2010 roku. Dwa…