IHSAHN „After”
Legendary black metal artist, Ihsahn completes an unholy hat trick with his third solo album After. The former EMPEROR front man continues to expand his musical progressive metal palette, while maintaining the black metal foundation that made him such a groundbreaking artist.
1349 „Revelations of the Black Flame”
It's been almost four years since Norwegian 1349 released their third studio blast Hellfire. Such break between records is usually considered a smart move. It gives the band some time to grow up and find new inspiration.
1349 „Revelations of the Black Flame”
It's been almost four years since Norwegian 1349 released their third studio blast Hellfire. Such break between records is usually considered a smart move. It gives the band some time to grow up and find new inspiration.
WARFIST / EXHALATION / MESMERIZED „Satanic & Violent Metal Aggression”
Rzadko ostatnimi czasy w moim odtwarzaczu gości cokolwiek z polskiego undergroundu. Biję się w piersi, bo na własne życzenie pozbawiłem się możności zapoznania z kilkoma interesującymi przedsięwzięciami.
WALDGEFLÜSTER „Herbstklagen”
Podejrzewam, że mało kto kojarzy nazwę WALDGEFLÜSTER, jednoosobowego austriackiego zespołu/projektu niejakiego Jana von Berlekom'a alias Winterherz'a, być może znanego szerzej z udziału w innej, tym razem niemieckiej kapeli SCARCROSS. Choć wątpię.
HERETIQUE „Primal Blasphemy”
Ale się chłopaki naczekali na tę reckę. Założę się, że stracili już nadzieję na jej ujrzenie w Metal Centre a tu taka niespodziewanka.
GORGOROTH „Quantos Possunt Ad Satanitatem Trahunt”
If Norwegian black metal outfit GORGOROTH picked one song from their latest album Quantos Possunt Ad Satanitatem Trahunt to represent the album, it would be Rebirth. Not only does vocalist Pest exclaim Rebirth of GORGOROTH, Infernus has returned with a new lineup. The fact that GORGOROTH is back releasing records after the courtroom debacle concerning band rights proves Infernus is going nowhere.
GORGOROTH „Quantos Possunt Ad Satanitatem Trahunt”
If Norwegian black metal outfit GORGOROTH picked one song from their latest album Quantos Possunt Ad Satanitatem Trahunt to represent the album, it would be Rebirth. Not only does vocalist Pest exclaim Rebirth of GORGOROTH, Infernus has returned with a new lineup. The fact that GORGOROTH is back releasing records after the courtroom debacle concerning band rights proves Infernus is going nowhere.