KATHARSIS „Fourth Reich”
The devil breeds at Norma Evangelium Diaboli. The new album of Funeral Mist was released unexpectingly, but i cannot say this for german Katharsis, which released their new creation punctually as usually after three years.
FUNERAL MIST „Maranatha”
When it rains it pours. After few years of silence we were starting to worry that Arioch from now on will 'entertain' us only as Mortuus in Marduk, but then suddenlly Salvation's successor appeared a devilry called Maranatha.
FROSTBITTEN KINGDOM „Obscure Visions of Chaotic Annihilation”
FROSTBITTEN KINGDOM to chyba pierwsza kapela black metalowa, którą recenzuję na łamach MetalCentre. Czy oznacza to, że jestem uprzedzony do “ciemnego metalu”? Oczywiście, że nie.
OLD CORPSE ROAD „The Echoes of Tales Once Told”
Trzymając w rękach krążek OLD CORPSE ROAD nie spodziewałem się Black Metalu. Zdjęcie na okładce totalnie mnie zmyliło…
OLD CORPSE ROAD „The Echoes of Tales Once Told”
When I received the disc of OLD CORPSE ROAD I did not expect Black Metal, because the cover-art misleaded me totally… but from the second side – the information announced Black Metal horde is fascinated a British folklore, the myths and the legends…
OLD CORPSE ROAD „The Echoes of Tales Once Told”
When I received the disc of OLD CORPSE ROAD I did not expect Black Metal, because the cover-art misleaded me totally… but from the second side – the information announced Black Metal horde is fascinated a British folklore, the myths and the legends…
SVARTBY „Kom I Min Kittel”
I am not an almighty knower of the Russian music. Ive heard some Tchaikovskys or Rimsky-Korsakovs music when I was younger, but Ive never paid much attention to their folk metal scene (and that is a big no-no).
Prolific USBM act WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM return with their third album, Black Cascade. Number three shows WITTR at its most stripped down phase, at least in a black metal sense. Black Cascade doesnt contain the folk metal elements present in past releases.