CRAFT published samples from “Void”
Swedish Black Metal band CRAFT published three excerpts from their upcoming album “Void”. The album will supposedly be released in the first quarter of 2010. You can hear the samples…
CRAFT „Terror Propaganda”
Swedes in attack not for once first and not last! I will not penetrate, who they remind me their playing, because in this moment it is not essential for me. Essential is this, that from some time was lacking me such music.
CRAFT „Terror Propaganda”
Wlasciwe to plyta ta pojawila sie na rynku dobre pol roku temu, ale saczaca sie z niej nienawisc zawladnela ma dusza do tego stopnia, ze postanowilem uczcic to chociaz mala recenzja. Craft, podobnie jak Shining, Armagedda i kilka innych swietnie zapowiadajacych sie kapel pochodzi ze Szwecji i serwuje nam doslownie i w przenosni “przepieknie” zagrany brudny, bezkompromisowy black metal.