“Poseidon” of DAGOBA
The band DAGOBA has just signed with the French label XIII Bis Records (Nine Inch Nails, Loudblast, L'Esprit Du Clan). The band is currently recording their fourth album “Poseidon” at…
DAGOBA Album Update
Heres a promising piece of news from the DAGOBA camp! The band just issued the following update:
“After several months of intensive work, all the songs for the new DAGOBA album…
BRUTAL ASSAULT festival vol. 12
Thursday – Saturday August 09th – 11th, 2007
(start on Thursday Aug 09th at 15:00, Friday Aug 10th at 10:00, Saturday Aug 11th at 10:00)
camping site opens on August 08th at…
BRUTAL ASSAULT festival vol. 11
10th-12th August 2006
From 10th 12th August 2006 the 11th volume of the Brutal Assault Festival will take place at Svojsice u Prelouce. This years event promises more impressive expansion…
DAGOBA „s/t”
Let's be honest, you can count the number of good French metal bands on the fingers of a very deformed hand. Of course, there's the excellent Scarve and Tripod and on the technical death metal side there's the underrated Carcariass, but never has a band stood a chance of success than in the case of Dagoba.