MAN RAZE Full Length Debut in Stores June 3rd
MAN RAZE is set to release their debut album 'Surreal' on June 3rd with a US Tour to follow. The newly formed rock band includes Phil Collen of DEF LEPPARD,…
This album is really one of the best tribute albums I have ever heard so far from a band. Def Leppard come back to us once more with a blaster album, “Yeah!”.
This album is really one of the best tribute albums I have ever heard so far from a band. Def Leppard come back to us once more with a blaster album, “Yeah!”.
Legenda brytyjskiego rocka!
15.11.2003 KATOWICE, Spodek
16.11.2003 WARSZAWA, Torwar
Formacja, która powstała w 1977 r. w Wielkiej Brytanii zdobyła uznanie na międzynarodowej arenie dzięki efektownej melodyce wykonywanych przez siebie utworów oraz dynamicznemu brzmieniu…