Tag: depressive black metal

ANTE-INFERNO – “Death’s Soliloquy” (Vendetta Records, 2024)

  …A work of death and a study of despair, or the audial and poetical manifestation of mental illness. Imagine a nightmare from which one can never awaken. How else might one escape it, except by plunging oneself yet farther into the darkness where all thoughts, fears and doubts are dispelled, and all things come […]

ABSQUE COR reveals debut album details

Godz Ov War Productions is proud to present the debut release of the one-man black metal project ABSQUE COR, set up by the vocalist and guitarist Vos. The album, titled ‘Wędrówkę Haniebnie Zakończyć’ (English translation: ‘To End This Journey Disgracefully’), contains only four tracks but 30 plus minutes of nihilistic black metal, and it is […]

TAIGA unleash new track ‘Вверх’ off upcoming album ‘Sky’ out Sept 16th via Satanath Records

Russian atmospheric/depressive black metal band TAIGA are now streaming their first single ‘Вверх’ off their upcoming album ‘Sky’ set for release on September 16th via Satanathc Records sub label Symbol of Domination. The album tells the story about those moments in life when people are aware of their own insignificance and can not overcome the emotional pain. Everyday is torture […]


Wygląda na to, że album “Vacuum” PENSEES NOCTURNES jest nie tylko debiutem owego projektu ale i debiutem Paryskiej wytwórni Les Acteurs De l’Ombre Productions. Materiał „Vacuum” już od pierwszych dźwięków brzmi bardzo osobliwie, gdyż do jego realizacji – samotny twórca o pseudonimie Vaerhon wykorzystał nie tylko klasyczne rockowe instrumentarium ale i typowo klasyczne instrumentarium, między innymi instrumenty dęte, smyczkowe i pianino… Chociaż mam wrażenie, że owe klasyczne dźwięki są syntetyczne i komputerowe, a jedyne żywe instrumenty to gitary i być może perkusja…


The album “Vacuum” is the debut of the project PENSEES NOCTURNES and the debut of Parisian label Les the Acteurs De l'Ombre Productions. The first sounds of “Vacuum” sound very peculiarly, because the realization of the music was accomplished by lonely creator – Vaerhon which used the rock instruments as well as the typically classic instruments, like the woodwinds, the strings and the pianos, etc.

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