ABSCESS – “Dawn of Inhumanity” (Tyrant Syndicate Productions)
DESTINITY – “XI Reasons To See” (Lifeforce Records)
BORKNAGAR – “Universal” (Indie Recordings) …
DESTINITY „In Excelsis Dementia”
For those who just recently discovered the wealth of black-metal talent in France, DESTINITY is another band to file into your misanthropic mind. The groups album, In Excelsis Dementia is a demon spawn of hyper blasting, often brutal, death metal and symphonic black metal.
DESTINITY „In Excelsis Dementia”
Zespół DESTINITY pochodzi z Francji i ma w swoim dorobku już pięć pełnych albumów. Czwarty z nich zatytułowany „In Excelsis Dementia” mam przyjemność dla Was właśnie recenzować.
DESTINITY „Synthetic existence”
Destinity is a French black/death metal band. Through this album, they have proved out there that France might be one of the great lands that gave birth to great metal-heads and bands.