Obscene Extreme Festival 2023 – № 24
AVULSED signs with Ibex Moon Records
AVULSED has without any doubt been the most veteran and consistent band in the Spanish extreme metal scene since its inception in August 1991. A band loyal to its death…
DISGORGE Bassist Ben Marlin R.I.P.
San Diego Death grinders, DISGORGE posted the following Myspace blog concerning the passing of bassist Ben Marline:
“After a year and a half battle in being diagnosed with cancer, Benjamin Lee…
DISGORGE „Consume the Forsaken”
Here in the UK, it is difficult enough to get hold of underground releases such as this let alone find reviews of them. There is a market for it, so why isn't there any promotion in the magazines? People are missing out on some superb exercises in brutality and sometimes I wonder whether I am the only one who listens to it.
DISGORGE „Necrholocaust”
Disgorge is a gore metal band from Mexico that have a good reputation in the underground of this subgenre. The music have the typical gore stuff that like so much to the followers of this style.
DISGORGE „She Lay Gutted”
Jakiś czas temu spotkałem się ze stwierdzeniem, iż w porównaniu z tym, co zrobili Amerykanie na tym krążku, Europa to zacofana wioska. I jakby nie patrzeć, trochę prawdy w tym jest.