JEFF NOVOTNY JAZZPRJKT releases new single “Cygnus X-1”
Experimental Music is not for everyone, but some artists try to make it accessible to a wider group. If you hold on to such artists, you might as well understand the beauty of Experimental music, and who knows – you’ll be calculating would be the elements in an Avant-Garde song.
CAVALCADE “Sonic Euthanasia”
Bermuda Mohawk Productions, 2019
The second album “Inherent” from the DAVOLA project
“Hey all. Been really quiet on here as of late due to a lot of work on many projects but I’m very happy to announce that my second album “INHERENT” from the Davola project is now available for download via this link below.
DRUG HONKEY „Hail Satan”
Hohlraum Records, 2017
9 string bass Frankenstein Project VVON DOGMA I unleashed by ex-UNEXPECT bassist
VVON DOGMA I are pioneers and trailblazers, eschewing moribund genre categorizations to create music both strange and beautiful, to misquote Shakespeare: ‘something unique this way comes’.
New song of DAVOLA – “Forsaken”
Been a while but finally new music is out. Here’s one of a few snippets of new material from the upcoming EP. “Inherent Part 1” be sure to check it out.
DAVOLA’s new song – “Fatal Memories”
Aaron form DAVOLA says: Hey guys. Okay so it’s finally official. The first installment of the “Inherent” album will be a “Part 1” EP scheduled for a March 1st release via bandcamp but until then, here’s a little snippet of new material. TOTALLY SUITABLE FOR THE WORKPLACE! (cough) um make sure your volume is on […]
DAVOLA – artwork revealed & album now an EP
Aaron from DAVOLA says: Hey all. Here’s the new artwork for the upcoming EP. The crowdfunding campaign was about 12% of a success ha ha so unfortunately the target goal of funds wasn’t raised to finish mixing the album. As a result, the release date has been pushed back some due to me to continue […]