AES DANA „Formors”
It's really cool listening to celtic or even a folklore music every now and then. Aes Dana is 6 pieces of French Black Celtic members.
VOCIFERIAN „Universal Hate Decades Ultimatum”
Cool Songs: May the Holocaust Appease Thy God, Esse Dyaboli et Infecta et Inficiencia Animas, Nuclearfrost Strike Part II
BEYON-D-LUSION „Intuispection”
Now after their first output “First step to the source”, we have the second release in shape of “Intuispection”. You cannot impress a chop onto the French metal band BEYON-D-LUSION.
VOID THRU MATERIALISM „Converge Into Unquiet Spaces”
At present French VOID THRU MATERIALSIM is calling VOIDTM, but yet less than year ago the material “Converge Into Unqueit Spaces” was released under the old name. The material contains 4 tracks only, which are defined by the band as Math Core/Metal Core.
BENIGHTED „Insane Cephalic Production”
Benighted is a French Brutal Death band and “Insane Cephalic Production” is their third full length album from 2004, their second on Adipocere Records. It's pure brutal Death with wickedly growling vocals, furious drumming and heavy ass, but often a bit melodic guitars.
DESTINITY „Synthetic existence”
Destinity is a French black/death metal band. Through this album, they have proved out there that France might be one of the great lands that gave birth to great metal-heads and bands.
DARK SANCTUARY „Les Mémoires Blessées”
The feeling is The depressive silence .may be The Darkness pain, I dont know may be Wounded Memories/ Les Mémoires Blessées and this is the name of this album. Its French I know.
MEIN TAG MIT EVA „Heilig Heldenland”
This my first day with MEIN TAG MIT EVA
though this hermetic project already exists 10 years and they have several materials on one's account. “Heilig Heldenland” includes 15 compositions, which they create really curiosical climate by over 76 minutes