GAMMA RAY „Hell Yeah! The Awesome Foursome DVD”
Since Kai Hansen left power metal progenitors, HELLOWEEN, he has help steadily build GAMMA RAY into one of the best and most famous power metal bands in the world. Hell Yeah! The Awesome Foursome (which also contains the über-long subtitle And the Finnish Keyboarder Who Didnt Want to Wear His Donald Duck Costume) provides visual evidence of the groups worth.
KREATOR „Hordes of Chaos”
Cool Songs: Hordes of Chaos (A Necrologue for the Elite), Amok Run, Destroy What Destroys You
KREATOR „Hordes of Chaos”
Cool Songs: Hordes of Chaos (A Necrologue for the Elite), Amok Run, Destroy What Destroys You
HOLY MOSES „Agony of Death”
Cool Songs: “Imagination,” “World In Darkness,” “Scnizophrenia,” “Through Shattered Minds”
Some time ago, it seems that around 2005 I got a CD from my friend, with a recommendation, that I should listen to it, because it was containing some good material. When looking at the front cover I did not have any idea what the hell could it be.
Holy crap! New DESTRUCTION album D.E.V.O.L.U.T.I.O.N is a total blast between the eyes of each thrash metal posers! Fast, furious, and… bit technical! I am suprised that DESTRUCTION can play more technical than others and…
HACKNEYED „Death Prevails”
Wow, youngsters between 15-20 years old playing death metal… and signed to NUCLEAR BLAST.
HACKNEYED „Death Prevails”
Wow, youngsters between 15-20 years old playing death metal… and signed to NUCLEAR BLAST.