Tag: germany

NYKTALGIA „Peisithanatos”

NYKTALGIA is one of those great german underground bands, that create a very special kind of music in a manner, that's only worth to call art. They do that in the very best tradition of bands like ABYSSIC HATE (“Suicidal Emotions”), but also newer stuff like VERDUNKELN, NACHTMYSTIUM, KROHM, maybe you'll find some hints to old swedish stuff like VINTERLAND, SETHERIAL and MÖRK GRYNING also, because of the very melodic songs.

NYKTALGIA „Peisithanatos”

NYKTALGIA is one of those great german underground bands, that create a very special kind of music in a manner, that's only worth to call art. They do that in the very best tradition of bands like ABYSSIC HATE (“Suicidal Emotions”), but also newer stuff like VERDUNKELN, NACHTMYSTIUM, KROHM, maybe you'll find some hints to old swedish stuff like VINTERLAND, SETHERIAL and MÖRK GRYNING also, because of the very melodic songs.

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