GRAVE DIGGER „Rheingold”
Najnowsze dzieło niemieckich metalowców prezentuje ich w wybornej formie. Adnotacja, że mamy do czynienia z albumem inspirowanym Pierścieniem Nibelungów Wagnera sprawia, że należy podejść do tej muzyki jak do przemyślanej całości.
GRAVE DIGGER „Rheingold”
This is s disc that I have been on the edge of my seat waiting on since I heard the band was recording it. I go way back as a GRAVE DIGGER fan and the band has only let me down a couple of times but then again no one is perfect and you cant please everyone all the time.
Grave Digger – a pile of German heavy metal. With every new album the band gives us a new dosage of tight and heavy metal.
Grave Digger – chluba niemieckiego heavy metalu. Z kazda plyta grupa daje nam duza dawke ostrego i ciezkiego heavy metalu.
Rheingold, the latest discs from Grave Digger, is based on Germany's most popular national tale, the Nibelungen Saga. The band explains, “We worked out The Ring of the Nibelungs by…
German veterans Grave Digger are to release their new album, 'Rheingold', through Nuclear Blast at the end of May. It's a concept album inspired the classical work 'The Ring Cycle',…
Graver Digger are not very amused about the activities from their ex Label Gun Records. You´ll see that there somethings happen like a sold out of Grave Digger material. They…
GRAVE DIGGER – Interview with Manni
For 20 years, Grave Digger stands as a true German Heavy Metal band. „Rheingold”- the new Digger's album shows them as a band inspired by R. Wagner's opera. Pure, heavy and melodic. Since „The Grave Digger” LP, and Uwe Lulis' departure, we can hear Manni Schmidt playing in GD. Luckily he has found some time to answer few questions about the band, their brand new release, and his adventures in Rage.