HERESY OF DREAMS premieres the new video “Bienvenido al Juego” on Blank TV
The young Heavy Metal outfit Heresy of Dreams strikes back with the release of their new video “Bienvenido al Juego”, second one extracted from the new album “Ante la Bestia”. These five guys from Castellon (Sp) are giving some fresh air to the Heavy Metal scene, produced by Ruk Nebur (Killus), introducind electronics and modern […]
HERESY OF DREAMS presents the new single “Liberando Tu Dios”
The third single extracted from Heresy of Dreams’s new album “Ante la Bestia” receives the title of “Liberando Tu Dios” and its presented in a new video created by Revolta Studios.
HERESY OF DREAMS release the new video for “Ante La Bestia”
The young and wild Heavy Metal combo Heresy of Dreams recently released the first single and video for the title track “Ante la Bestia”! This young Heavy Metal outfit from Castellón (Spain) surprised the national Metal community with the release of their previous LP “Nuestra Ley Es Esta” and now they are back to confirm […]
HERESY OF DREAMS signs with Art Gates Records
The Art Gates Records team is proud to announce Heresy of Dreams as the new artist to join the label’s rooster.