Italian thrashers, HYADES are busy recording their follow up to “And the Worst is Yet to Come,” released in 2007 via Mausoleum Records. The tongue-in-cheek humorists wrote the following recording…
HYADES „And the Worst is Yet to Come”
HYADES are a bit of a surprise. Hailing from Italy they are not what you would expect from a country better known for gothic metal bands with female leads and over the top, pompous power metal.
TANKARD -Jubileusz
Z okazji 25lecia grupy zostanie wydana 31 sierpnia specjalna edycja Best-of-CD “BEST CASE SCENARIO: 25 YEARS IN BEERS” z nowo nagranymi klasykami zespołu:
1. Zombie Attack
2. Maniac Forces
3. (Empty) Tankard
4. Don`t…