This is the last material what we received from Alkemist Fanatix Europe – the promotive agency which assembles the bands dabble in oneself the sharp alternative playing with the smaller or the larger rock-metal tinge.
DEFLORE „Human Indu[b]strial”
Roman's DEFLORE is also gift from Promotive Agency Alkemist Fanatix Europe! This is not my defloration of the industrial music, although I am not the expert of industrial's sounds, because except the cult GODFLESH or MINISTRY it would be to hard mention something well-known from this circle for me. Despite of my ignorance in this subject – DEFLORE is the music on high-level and their music bases on trance, rhythmical sounds created by the massive, heavy guitar's riffs and the guitar's sounds, the pulsating bass, the rhythmic-hypnotic work of percussive automat with the addition of the different samples, the loops and the gentle keys.
AQUEFRIGIDE „Un Caso Isolato”
The next project from the stabling of Alkemist Fanatix Europe. The next and the very mysterious, as it results from the name of the music what the three men play.
KEENANTS „Lets Start From The Beginning”
Thanks to good kindness of Alkemist Fanatix Europe I had opportunity to acquaint oneself with representatives Italian “alternative metal” scene. “Alternative metal” because bands (AQUEFRIGIDE, KEENANTS, DEFLORE, FIGURE OF SIX, CHAOS CONSPIRACY), which music I acquainted, they oscillate between industrial, psychedelic music, grooves, crossover, past hard core and nu metal
Soul Takers are completely new for me, and how Im predicting for most of you too. They are coming from Italy and playing melodic heavy metal, with some influences taken from trash (guitars), and classic music (piano, violin parts, etc.), and everything this is mixed up with very melancholy, but also beautiful climates.
The power metal scene is so big that everyone can find something interesting. People gather in one place, record an album, and, all of a sudden, become famous.
Italians have in themselves many romanticism and melancholy in connection with suitable dose of anger! Shakespeare already spoke about this, hahaha
The members of SOUL TAKERS (in the band are the two beautiful sisters except the men, Federica plays the piano and Francesca plays the guitar) occupied expression of these emotional states. Additionally on the material appeared guest musicians
INFLICTION „The Silencer”
I hate to form preconceptions about certain bands, but when the words metal and Italy are combined, I am never overawed with enthusiasm. Theres always something melodically awkward about the Italians and their take on the metal sound and I was expecting much the same with this new Infliction album.