ADMIRON „When Reality Wakes Up”
Italian ADMIRON has existed from 1999 year. The band came into being from band ANGELS OF DARKNESS.
NAMELESS CRIME „Modus Operandi”
This band from Italy has considerable musical baggage. “Modus Operandi ” is the third album of Italians after “Nameless Crime” (released in 2003) and “Law and Persecution” (from 2006).
CENTURY OF LUXOR „A Voice Until The End”
The Ep “A Voice Until The End” is the second release of Italians from Century Of Luxor. The demo “The Century Begins” was the first material from 2007 year.
SIGNS PREYER „Signs Preyer”
The darkness and heaviness are main features contained on the album, and the gentle melancholy as well as rapacity arouse senses additionally. The specific melodics and the average-quick paces complete the whole which is led by melodious vocals (in hoarse tone).
THE SHIVER „A New Horizon”
Why do the most bands with a woman on vocals sound similar? Perhaps because that most women are inspired by the famous vocalists from bands such as THE GATHERING or EVANESCENCE. But THE SHIVER went further with their singer, who sometimes creates the savage screams between the pure singing…
THE BLACKLIES „Sorry But I Feel So Bad”
The Rock music of THE BLACKLIES don't belong to my favorite forms of playing, so for sure I will not be objective in describing this album. But on the other hand, an each review is always subjective.
WINTER HAZE „The Storm Within”
The Italian label Alkemist Fanatix Europe threw me a pile of discs – of course in a positive meaning of the words. Although they seldom present the classic Metal bands, and often they present the various music hybrids of wide understood circle of Rock-Metal.
CHAOS CORE „Born In Silence”
Does CHAOS CORE is a next proof that the wave of Hardcore floods us in the XXI century? This genre of music has more to say at present. This music begins to absorb other genres of music and this music takes many patents from them.