ANGERCORE „Time Reveals”
ANGERCORE was formed in 2003 from the ashes of Punk/Hardcore's bands … Oh, the disc lay on the shelf long time before I sat down to it…
A.D.D. „Neo Evo”
The search of radio's canals at the beginning of the album is even frequent motive. The same was in the case with “Neo Evo” but with the difference that the lyrical subject of song listened to song from a radio in a car…
RAW POWER „Resuscitate”
The Italian veterans from RAW POWER have the thirty on a nape. Their account reinforces over 20 releases and the musicians continually are in the musical world and they come back with new twelfth album “Resuscitate”.
Lately I have so many discs to reviews that I prepare very short reviews… BACKSTAGE HEROES was born in 2008 year to create the music inspired by the stars of Hard Rock and Glam Metal of type AEROSMITH, GUNS'S'ROSES and MOTLEY CRUE…
NEFERTUM „Revered Lames”
On the beginning of first decade of XXI century, the six rebels from the south of Italy created NEFERTUM, the band was inspired by “New School of Black Metal” and the bands in style of ARCTURUS and EMPEROR (later). Moreover NEFERTUM is the next band which the logo was designed by master Christophe Szpajdel…
ABSINTHE „Chapter One: Urban Fairytales”
ABSINTHE – the name intrigued me. Despite so many the bands take the similar name of this legendary liquor…
THECONFLITTO „Dusk Over The Nations”
For many people the end of the world is television parody and for few people is something tragic. Despite all it is the real vision of our future.
ESKIMADA „Eskimada”
The Italian band ESKIMADA came into being in July 2007 year and the band presents accessible as well as pleasant for the ears the mixture of Rock, Crossover as well as Metal. The debut album simply named “Eskimada” reminds me the works of such bands like KORN or NICKELBACK and sometimes even PAPA ROACH (but it is however pretty loose association) with bit of Metal aggression.