DISEASE ILLUSION „Reality Behind The Illusions Of Life ”
Thats the kind of material I like. Fast, adequate, melodic, compact and really well composed.
DISEASE ILLUSION „Reality Behind The Illusions Of Life ”
Thats the kind of material I like. Fast, adequate, melodic, compact and really well composed.
KALEDON „Legend Of The Forgotten Reign Chapter V: A New Era Begins”
“Chapter V: A New Era Begins” is the next part of saga of “Legends Of The Forgotten Reign”, which Italian band KALEDON presents us. The title of the album and the cover-art betray us that the ten of Epic Power Metal compositions will conduct us through a fabulous world.
DREAMSHADE „To the edge of reality”
Italians regardless of the type of music has always played melodic, DREAMSHADE is not a deviation from this rule. On the contrary, the musicians of DREAMSHADE combine all the elements known for melodic death metal, and symphonic black metal from the trade of CATAMENIA or whether our polish DARZAMAT.
VARIOUS ARTISTS „Extreme Metal Inside (Split)”
SG Metal is an Italian label dealing with bands performing extreme variations of death metal. In 2007 its management invited five Italian bands from different fields of death metal to record one album.
LAHMIA „Forget Every Sunrise”
Despite of that LAHMIA comes from Italy then the music in their realization is close to Death Metal from Göteborg. Many of you will conjecture surely that I think about Melodic Death Metal with precursors this kind e.g.
WARNERVE „Face Of God”
The album of WARNERVE came to me from Italian organization – Delirio Concerti with that I co-operate from some months. I noticed that I have luck to Italians because from two last years I milled a lots of Italian's music through my sieve of review, hahaha…
RAGESTORM „Someone Hears?”
I would never suppose that Italian metal scene will have a deathcore band. Or just a band which want to be like this.