I'm holding the box which housed the CD now seeping sleepily from the speakers on this hot and stuffy day at the end of July 2013. The packaging is nice, why not, collourful, with clouds (which wouldn't be amiss on an album cover by a domestic or foreign pop act) and white lettering on a beetroot-red background proudly proclaiming Maciek Szymczuk “Clouds”.
Zimowe premiery ZOHARUM…
Zoharum zapowiada gorące premiery w środku zimy. Tym razem w barwach wytwórni ukażą się aż trzy albumy zespołów: HYBRYDS – ‘Soundtrack for the Antwerp Zoo Aquarium’, HOARFROST – ‘Puppets of…
New releases of ZOHARUM…
Zoharum is announcing hot releases in the middle of the winter. This time there are no less than 3 albums who will see the light of the day under the…