PANZER X „Steel Fist”
Był taki krótki okres w historii lidera Vadera, że wraz z Grzegorzem Kupczykiem pracowali nad heavy metalowym projektem. Niestety, wiele z tego nie wyszło i raczej nie zapowiada się, aby w najbliższej przyszłości coś z tego miało wyniknąć.
VADER „The upcoming chaos”
W tym roku Olsztyński VADER obchodzi swoją dwudziestą piąta rocznicę istnienia. To szmat czasu, wspomnień i przede wszystkim muzyki jaką obdarował nas rodzimy VADER.
„Thor” jest już drugim wydawnictwem heavy metalowego Dragonscale pochodzącego z Garwolina.
ZEROBRIDGE „Havre De Grace EP”
ZEROBRIDGE were created by two Kashmiri brothers who actually grew up near Havre de Grace, Maryland, a city which is described as a stop off for travellers. It seems, that such a complex mixture of characters and cultural background should have an effect on their performance.
GUT „Shrubbery EP”
GUT is a new band on American scene (formed somewhere at the beginning of this century in Boston) and they managed to release one EP, titled Shrubbery, released in 2004. Unfortunately enough, no information about the band is available at the moment.
CLOSER „Darkness In Me EP”
In 2005 some guys involved earlier in the project called WITHERED decided to leave all that setbacks and record label fuzz behind, and make a fresh start, a new beginning. And that is how CLOSER was brought to life, a melodic death metal Swedish band, which has nothing to be ashamed of.
HEREGE „Bang Your Heads EP”
The band was formed in 2001 by Denis, Rodrigo, Mauricio and Selvino, and they were supposed to play some covers of 70s and 80s bands like JUDAS PRIEST, MANOWAR or IRON MAIDEN. After a while, Selvino left the band and they were forced to look for another guitarist, meanwhile creating some of their own material.
FINNTROLL „Trollhammaren EP”
I think that there is no need of introducing this band, actually a living legend of folk metal, one of the best folks in the world. They started their career in 1997 and since then, recorded a lot of stuff, mainly of very high quality (fantastic reviews all over the world).