ETHELYN „Devilicious”
No i stało się. Po dwóch latach od premiery leciwego już materiału “Traces Into Eternity” opoczyński ETHELYN powrócił z kolejnym bluźnierstwem zatytułowanym “Devilicoius”.
FOR RUIN „Last Light”
ťThe base of every criticism should certainly be the formal analysis, which answers to first critic's question: Is the world, which the art is representing, a live organism or just a fiction?Ť by J.V.
FOR RUIN „Last Light”
ťThe base of every criticism should certainly be the formal analysis, which answers to first critic's question: Is the world, which the art is representing, a live organism or just a fiction?Ť by J.V.
ETHELYN „Traces Into Eternity”
Na początek małe wyjaśnienie, otóż omawiany poniżej materiał opoczyńskiego ETHELYN został nagrany w 2004 roku, więc do najnowszych pozycji już nie należy. Jednakże zespół jest w trakcie ciągłych poszukiwań wydawcy, toteż oficjalna premiera “Traces Into Eternity” wciąż przed nami.
The band started its action in 1995 in Montevideo with releasing their first demo. Till that time some changes in the line up appeared and they managed to release two full-length albums.
The band started its action in 1995 in Montevideo with releasing their first demo. Till that time some changes in the line up appeared and they managed to release two full-length albums.
Sheol is one hell of an album, fast, extreem, chaotic, and constantly blazing like hell. Somehow, Naglfar's sound immediately reminded me of Dissection, but Naglfar is definitely not a copycat.