INSOMNIUM „Across the Dark”
Over the past decade INSOMNIUM has established itself as one of Finlands top melodic death metal acts, an impressive statement considering the wealth of talent found on this wintery isle. INSOMNIUM has accomplished this feat by creating music with a balance of rich melody and gloom-gripped death metal.
ARCH ENEMY „The Root Of All Evil”
As the first introductory track begins, it seems to be the calm before the storm; an instrumental minute and seven seconds of wondering exactly what the fuck to expect from ARCH ENEMYs eighth studio album. For this is no ordinary effort from the Sweden-based metal titans.
ARCH ENEMY „The Root Of All Evil”
As the first introductory track begins, it seems to be the calm before the storm; an instrumental minute and seven seconds of wondering exactly what the fuck to expect from ARCH ENEMYs eighth studio album. For this is no ordinary effort from the Sweden-based metal titans.
Killer Songs: The Granfalloon,” “Adrift In The Lifeless Sea,” “Shattering of Terrestrial Reality”
Killer Songs: The Granfalloon,” “Adrift In The Lifeless Sea,” “Shattering of Terrestrial Reality”
DISEASE ILLUSION „Reality Behind The Illusions Of Life ”
Thats the kind of material I like. Fast, adequate, melodic, compact and really well composed.
DISEASE ILLUSION „Reality Behind The Illusions Of Life ”
Thats the kind of material I like. Fast, adequate, melodic, compact and really well composed.
American metalcore not quite that slowly fades, it becomes secondary and boring. Such truth, so rich and full of amazing bands scene is a past day memory becomes a quite predictable and not -attractive.
American metalcore not quite that slowly fades, it becomes secondary and boring. Such truth, so rich and full of amazing bands scene is a past day memory becomes a quite predictable and not -attractive.
DIMENSION ZERO „He Who Shall Not Bleed”
Jesper Strömblad and Glenn Ljungströmthe original IN FLAMES guitaristscreated DIMENSION ZERO as a side project in 1995. Although Ljungström no longer handles axe duties (nor does he in IN FLAMES), the group still boasts an all star lineup consisting of vocalist Jocke Göthberg, who screamed blasphemous incantations on early MARDUK records, and drummer Hans Nilsson of LUCIFERION and DIABOLIQUE.