MANOWAR „Warriors Of The World”
Cool Songs: Call To Arms, The Fight For Freedom, and Warriors Of The World United
SYMBOLIC IMMORTALITY „Decision is Power Remastered”
This is the first time that I have ever heard Symbolic Immunity, and I have to say that I am so glad that I got a chance to hear this album. This is simply an exquisite release, which will completely suck you in from begging to end with its raw power and emotion.
FIREBALL MINISTRY „The Second Great Awakening”
When I first heard Fireball Ministry it was on MTV's 'You hear it First', and from that point on I was absolutely hooked on the band. I dare anyone of you to find a better rock and roll band in America than Fireball Ministry.
DOMAIN „Gat Etemmi”
Domain hails to us all the way from, the debts of Poland's metal underground. They bring with them their own style of death metal, which they have perfected over the many years that they have been together.
DOMAIN „Pandemonium”
A few months before the recording of “Pandemonium”, Peter had parted ways with the band, and along with leaving he took the name of Pandemonium along with him. Soon after the events with Peter, Paul renamed the band Domain.
Crash Music has signed a four album deal with Pennsylvania's Single Bullet Theory. The band hit the studio in Haverstraw New York, with James Murphy and Freddy Ordine producing. James…