Materiał „Embrace” dotarł do mnie z hiszpańskiej wytwórni Mondongo Canibale Records. Krążek został nagrany przez Czeskich rzeźników wytwarzających dźwięki w stylu szwedzkiego Death Metalu.
The album “Embrace” reached to me from Spanish label Mondongo Canibale Records. The disc was recorded by Czech butchers producing sounds in style of Swedish Death Metal.
The album “Embrace” reached to me from Spanish label Mondongo Canibale Records. The disc was recorded by Czech butchers producing sounds in style of Swedish Death Metal.
BRUTAL ASSAULT festival vol. 11
10th-12th August 2006
From 10th 12th August 2006 the 11th volume of the Brutal Assault Festival will take place at Svojsice u Prelouce. This years event promises more impressive expansion…